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Safe operation of the frequency conversion aerator

19 november, 2020 - 1:41Inga kommentarer

The impeller aerator has the functions of stirring water, aeration, mixing and aeration. Safe operation of the frequency conversion aerator: It should be assembled according to the instruction manual and fixed in the pond. When working, the blades on the impeller of the waterwheel type aerator are partially or completely submerged in water.

During the main growing season of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle, it should be turned on at noon on sunny days to make full use of the supersaturated dissolved oxygen produced by the photosynthesis of phytoplankton in the upper water to maintain good water quality; on cloudy and rainy days, the photosynthesis of phytoplankton is not strong. At this time, you should start the machine very early.

Floating head opened before: When patrolling the pond, when fish has a floating head, turn on the machine in time. In the growing season of soft-shelled turtles, a combination of noon on a sunny day and early morning should be used during the period of large-scale feeding. Open in the middle of the night during continuous rainy weather: InShrimp Feeder Machinery continuous rainy weather, the dissolved oxygen in the pool is extremely poor, so it is necessary to start early to prevent floating heads. The stocking amount of soft-shelled turtles in the pond, various growth stages and daily feeding amount are all factors that determine the startup and operation time of the aerator.

Oxygen can also inhibit the growth of anaerobic bacteria in the water and prevent the deterioration of the pond water from threatening the living environment of fish. When the sun is sunny, the photosynthesis of phytoplankton is strong, the dissolved oxygen in the water is saturated, and the lower oxygen consumption factors are high, which is easy to produce oxygen debt, but due to the influence of thermal resistance, convection cannot be performed in time. In fact, aquatic aerators play an important role in it.


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